Sunday, October 16, 2005

OZARK'S TOP 250 MOVIES: #240-#231

#240 - Back to the Future Part II (1989)
The low-point of the trilogy but still a great comedy-scifi. Michael J Fox will always be Marty McFly, this part had the most interesting plot and most of the paradoxs are worked out well.

#239 - The Man with Two Brains (1983)
The early-80s and Steve Martin was still funny. I will forever remember him throwing Kathleen Turner out the back door yelling "Into the mud scum queen!!"

#238 - The Crow (1994)
Brandon Lee's final movie and a great testament to his abilities as action star and actor. He will be missed.

#237 - Mad Max 2: Road Warrior (1981)
The post-apocalyptic outback never looked better. George Miller, who went onto make Babe, should be proud of this fine piece of silver screen action, it never looked so raw.

#236 - Ong-Bak: Thai Warrior (2003)
Speaking of action. Stunts that would kill most men are the order of the day in what is already being regarded as one of the great martial arts movies of all time. All thanks to one man. Tony Jaa.

#235 - Ed Wood (1994)
Johnny Depp again, this time under the skillful hand of Tim Burton, puts in his best performance ever as the critcally panned B-movie director.

#234 - The Third Man (1949)
One of the best of the 40s film noir era. Orson Welles stars as Harry Limes, a character almost as famous as Welles himself. Post-WWII paranoia is brought forth in the plot with outstanding use of light and shadow throughout.

#233 - Chinatown (1974)
Another film-noir, another classic character. Jack Nicholson IS Jake 'JJ' Gittes in this moody tale into human darkness.

#232 - The Long Good Friday (1980)
Bob Hoskins rules the screen as the gangster whose business are getting muscled in on. Follow Hoskins as he fights for his life and well-being in one of the best British gangster films.

#231 - Miller's Crossing (1990)
The Coen Brothers gangster movie has been hailed as a masterpiece of modern cinema, for me it is brilliant but not the best Coen brothers movie, mind you even saying that is healthy praise.


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