Friday, October 14, 2005

JAMES BOND - Mum's the word

Whilst the producers haven't officially announced Daniel Craig as the new Bond it seems his mother is simply too overjoyed to keep quiet about it as she revealed he has gotten the part.

Daniel Craig star of the movie, Layer Cake, has been my first choice for the new Bond and I am excited that he accepted. I think he could possibly be the best Bond yet. If you don't believe me just go ahead and watch Layer Cake.

I just hope they handle Casino Royale the right way. The way I see it this movie should be to the Bond franchise as Batman Begins was to the Batman series.

A rebirth. A movie which can lend more emphasis on character development than on action. In Bond, like Batman, you have a really interesting character to work with. Casino Royale is essentailly the story of Bond's first '00' mission, it is about Bond finding his way in what will become his life.

Don't get me wrong, I loved the Brosnan movies but they had become just another Hollywood blockbuster. A movie that was a long way from the days of Connery or Lazenby. Bond isn't about character any more, just a face to put in the action sequences. Someone to play with all the toys, to get the girls and kill the bad guys.

Maybe his ways will change now. Until the day we hear Craig say the words "The name's Bond. James Bond." we will have to wait and see.


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