Monday, November 28, 2005

MOVIE REVIEW - Bewitched (2005)

Director: Nora Ephron
Starring: Nicole Kidman, Will Ferrell, Shirley MacLaine, Michael Caine, Jason Scwartzman

Isabel Bigelow (Kidman) is a witch trying to be human. Jack Wyatt (Ferrell) is an egotistical burned out actor trying to revive his lagging career. The idea him and agent (Schwartzman) come up with is to remake the TV show Bewitched but make Darrin the main character and push Samantha to the background. So in his search for the perfect quiet Samantha he finds Isabel. So of course she now has to act as the person she is trying to escape from being whilst she begins to fall for Jack.

It is refreshing that they didn't go the straight rehash route and instead try to inject something different into the proceedings with the douuble life aspect of the story. For the most part the script is okay and no one else can handle the sappy heart-string pulling and comedy quite like Ephron.

Acting across the board is good. Kidman is strong and pretty subdued most of the time especially compared to Ferrell who obviously ad-libs alot of his comedic tirades. Caine and MacLaine are both a delight as always and later in the movie a short appearance from Steve Carell as an imaginary Uncle Arthur comes across as part hilarious and part annoying much like the Arthur from the original show. Almost like Michael Scott from the Office trying to do the impression.

Thinking about it if the movie had been made about 10 years ago it would have probably starred Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. Good? Bad? Average. Just don't expect too much from this romantic comedy and you'll find it enjoyable.

The Good: Ferrell and Kidman work well as a screen couple. Surprisingly.
The Bad: Just another romantic comedy.
The Ugly: Steve Carell? It's all a matter of taste.

Overall: Ephron-esque. 6/10


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