Saturday, October 22, 2005


As I'm working on my top 250, it made me realise what absolutely dreadful films I have seen over the years. What needs to be taken into consideration for this is how good a potential the film already has, it if stars no names and was broadcast on sci-fi I think a little allowance for being bad is allowed. But if it contains big name stars or directors it deserves to be ridiculed for it's failings... Anyway:

#20 - Street Fighter (1994)
I am a huge Van Damme fan, but even I have to admit this movie fell below even his low expectations. I feel sorry for Raul Julia as this is the last film he made before dying.

#19 - The Avengers (1998)
Definately a case of great potential worthless squandered. Millions of dollars wasted. Even the appearance of Sean Connery and a no-speaking part for Eddie Izzard fail to save this bomb.

#18 - Jingle All the Way (1996)
Here is the nail in Schwarzeneggar's comedic career coffin. Just go rent Kindergarten Cop or Twins. Awful on so many levels.

#17 - The Haunting (1999)
A remake of a classic black and white horror film is never a good idea and this movie showcases why. Gone is the suspense and chills. Replacing it is over the top CGI and awful acting from all the cast.

#16 - Jaws: The Revenge (1987)
Jaws 3-D was a bad idea, but at least it had the 3D concept. What does Jaws: The Revenge have? Michael Caine. God help us.

#15 - The Fly II (1989)
The sequel to the Cronenberg horror classic, a remake itself. Just falls flat and doesnt go anywhere.

#14 - Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Mahattan (1989)
The worst of all the Friday movies. Bringing Jason into the big city where he stalks the teens is just a step in the wrong direction in an already slipping horror series.

#13 - The Crow: City of Angels (1996)
After Brandon Lee's Crow was a cult hit they bring in Vincent Perez as the new Crow taking revenge on the people who did him wrong. And that's exactly what this movie is. Wrong.

#12 - Vertical Limit (2000)
I can't believe I didn't enjoy a movie with Bill Paxton in it. I think he should have been the lead actor. I just can't stand Chris O'Donnell. The tagline for this is 'Hold Your Breath'. I agree. Go ahead hold your breath if you're lucky you may pass out and miss the whole thing.

#11 - Disturbing Behaviour (1998)
The only thing disturbing about this film is that it ever got made. James Marsden and Katie Holmes are both far too pretty to be good actors. And the premise is just another dreadful horror rehash.


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