Wednesday, July 12, 2006

MOVIE REVIEW - Kairo (2001)

aka Pulse

Director: Kiyoshi Kurosawa

Disturbing images begin to appear on computers over the internet. The film follows the effects of these events on two groups of people, in the first group a young girl witnesses a suicide and how this effects her and the people around as they investigate the strange event. Whilst the second story line is about an ecnomincs student and his first attempt to get on the internet leading to the appearance of a strange website.

I can see how people may be disappointed with this one, in fact I was to a certain extent. Movies like The Ring, The Grudge and Dark Water have spoiled us with the usual "THIS IS A SCARY MOMENT!!' parts of the film. After seeing the trailer I was expecting something similar to those others but I was wrong. This movie isn't really scary, it does have its moments but nothing that will keep you checking those dark corners at night. What this film does succeed in is pure tension. For it's slightly overlong runtime it does manage to keep you hooked in. It is genuinely eerie. One moment towards the end will have you looking away from the screen as the shivers run up your spine.

It is a tale of loneliness, of trying to reach out to people. The apparitions on the computers are always by themselves and now they are moving into our world flooding those who see them with unbearable dispair, that for the most part they just give up on living and cease to exist. It really does raise some interesting questions and thoughts or what there is after we die. Where we all go? And if everyone does go there what happens when it gets full.

I'm looking forward to seeing the Hollywood remake and wondering if they will manage to do for this what they did for The Ring. I can see them tighten the story up a little, cutting back the run time and upping the scares. Which all may not be such a bad thing, I just hope they don't mess with the heart of this tale.

Overall: A slightly drawnout and okay example of J-Horror. 6.5/10


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