Monday, July 10, 2006

MOVIE REVIEW - The Matador (2005)

Director: Richard Shepard
Starring: Greg Kinnear, Pierce Brosnan, Hope Davis, Philip Baker Hall

Julian Noble (Brosnan) is a lonely hitman on the brink of burning out when he runs into Danny Wright (Kinnear), a downtrodden businessman, in Mexico City bar. Julian reaches out to Danny in the vain hopes of forming a friendship, something that he has never had.

One standout scene in the movie takes place at a bullfight, Danny at first scoffs at Julian when he tells him his occupation and asks him to prove it. Julian proceeds to show him the setup for a hit. This becomes the moment at which Brosnan really becomes the character and makes you forget that for a while he was 007.

Unlike past hitman-drama-comdies like Grosse Pointe Blank this one doesn't waste time on action or tension. In fact besides from the opening hit you don't see anyone getting killed. This leaves room for the real story, which is of friendship and having people in your life who care about you no matter what you do or who you kill.

Sometimes when you get a film that you weren't expecting it can be a let down but in The Matador's case you can make an exception. What you get is an original, clever, witty well-written tale with great performances from all the cast and an espcially memorable Brosnan.

Put this one on your hit-list. 8/10


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